Basically life is shit & I hate it & wish at times
mine would end. I feel like I am not wanted or important at the moment & want to disappear. So many people think they
know me when they only know what is on the surface or what is just under it. Know one knows how I feel, at the moment I feel
lost. I feel like crying but if I do people will ask questions & want to know what is wrong.
I don't show my true feelings much & I showed them slightly
the other day in a poem but I don't think anyone noticed & thought I was refering to someone else. I am a shy person so
few people know what I am really like. The thing is not even my bestfriend knows that I feel like this I want to yell out
or run away & just go somewhere. Maybe I should talk to someone but when I think about it I think that they will try &
get me to talk about it so I don't really want to. Everyone thinks I am always happy when it is the other way around &
am mostly sad & only show that I am happy to make everyone stop worrying about me.
Anyway I should shut up now or I will start crying or something.
bye Lena Saturn