Lena Saturn

On a Happier note ^_^

My fucken life
More talk about my feelings
Useless feelings - why do I bother sometimes? *updated*
On a Happier note ^_^
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Ok at the moment this will be a happy page ^_^

Hello all, as you can all see I haven't been typing on here lately. Tonight is the 10/5/06. Things lately have been quite good. Me & my best friend have not fought, the main reason of the fights (her bf) is now gone (she dumped him). I wont deny that I am not happy that she is no longer with him, I never really lliked him, & after finding out that he lied to me I hate him more.
I have talked to a really nice guy for a while, unfortunately he lives far away so a relationship might not work, but he likes me & I really like talking to him, he makes me happy & we have both helped eachother, I have helped him from being lonely & he has stopped me cutting myself.
Unfortunately I have one bad thing that I need to write down, a really good guy friend that I talk to frequently on msn is going to Albania(sp?) in July for a while & might go over to get a wife! I know in particular religions & beliefs that arranged marriages still happen but it is the yr 2006 you would think that now people had a right to choose who they marry, but he doesn't, he is going over to find a nice Albanian girl & eventually have a Albanian wedding over there. This saddens me heaps 'cause he is a really nice guy, a gentleman & really great to talk to & he doesn't really want to go over but his parents are telling him he has to. I don't want to see him by the time he is in yr 12 (we are in yr 11 at the moment) he is married, it will just really stuff up his grades. If he went after yr 12 then that would be ok 'cause if he wants to go to uni he doesn't have to go straight away!
Well I type too much so I will end this here cya's all another time BYE!!!!
Lena (a much happier person who wishes other's could be)

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Meet my anime character & her friends, also some anime pictures I found. Enjoy...